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Hydraulic Adapter Kit

Des-Case Hydraulic Adapter ISO B Plug NPT, Drain: 1inch conn - Fill: 3/4inch conn, 18inch Fill Tube, Std Minimess Sample Valve, 18inch Sample Tube, DC-3 Breather, Brushed Aluminum

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$423.58  Cart is in US Dollar
Make the job cleaner and easier

Hydraulic Adapter

Brand: Des-Case
Part Number:


Drain and Fill ConnectorsISO B Plug NPT
Drain and Fill SizingDrain: 1" conn - Fill: 3/4" conn
Fill Tube Length18" Fill Tube
Sample ValveStd Minimess Sample Valve
Sample Tube Length18" Sample Tube
Breather FilterDC-3
ColorBrushed Aluminum


Our filtration products, with the use of our Adapter Kits, make your job safer, easier, and cleaner. By prohibiting entry of dirt and moisture, your equipment and lubricants can run longer and harder. Get started on your adapter kit below.