Label Safe Swivel Joint - ID Tab
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Advanced Labeling System
The Swivel Joint ID Tab mates with any size Label Safe Color Coded Washer and a Label Safe ID Tab to provide durable color coding and labeling for fill points.
The Swivel Joint ID Tab mates with any size Label Safe Color Coded Washer and a Label Safe ID Tab to provide durable color coding and labeling for fill points.
Brand: Label Safe
Part Number:
Highly visual, simple and reliable, the LABEL SAFE Advanced Labeling System ensures the right lubricant goes into the right machine every time.
Specially designed for industry, LABEL SAFE is the only industrial grade labeling system in the world that enables accurate lubricant identification from bulk storage to the point of use.
LABEL SAFE is part of an innovative portfolio of products that combine to form a revolutionary system for managing lubricants from bulk storage to the point of use.
Fit a 0.5" label to the recess and use a Label Safe Lens cap for extra protection. Custom labels available from Label Safe Wizard or Preprinted Labels also available.