Lubrigard Gold Series Stationary Dual Can 1HP 5GPM
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Simple and Powerful.
Dual Canister Gem Unit (Stationary)
Dual Canister Gem Unit (Stationary)
Brand: Lubrigard
Part Number:
- Dual Canister Gem Unit (Stationary)
- Includes Fork Pockets and Mounting holes for install and transport
- Dual Handle Lid (Aluminum, Anodized) With Air Drain
- 1HP Motor TEFC
- 5GPM Heavy Duty Cast Iron Gear Pump W/ 150 PSI Relief Valve
- Suction Inlet Strainer
- Visual Flow Meter 0-5 GPM
- Push Button Sample Port (Up-Stream Only)
- Dual GH134 Elements (5Lbs of Dirt Holding Capacity and or combination of 1 Gallon Of Water Each Element)
- Non-Filter Manual Bypass for Transfer only
- Unit Housing Drain (for Element Changeouts and servicing)