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Dipslide Culture Test Kits (10 tests)

0 Dipslide Culture Test Kits (10 tests)

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Monitor Microbial Growth

Dipslide Culture Test kits - Nutrient Agar - TTC Malt Extract Agar.

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Microorganisms are responsible for enormous economic losses to industry. Microorganisms and their metabolic products accumulate in water, transportation fuels, petroleum products and industrial fluids resulting in alteration of their physical and chemical properties. This can cause obstruction of fluid delivery lines or chemical deterioration in machinery resulting in dangerous situations as well as poor performance and costly repairs. This is particularly true in metal-working fluids and stored hydrocarbon fuels, but the problem also exists in many other industrial processes requiring cooling waters. Bacterial and fungal growth in these systems can be responsible for corrosion, slime formation, foul odors, and decreases in fluid function.

A large number of opportunistic microorganisms are engaged in these destructive and costly processes. Many types of water based coolants and lubricants, for example, are used in aluminum processing and other metal processing operations. These fluids are quite susceptible to bacterial and fungal contamination/degradation which can result in the production of poor quality rolled material. Genera found in the fluids included Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Corynebacterium, Rhodococcus and Staphylococcus. Growth of microorganisms in fuel tanks is another source of concern to industry. The biological content of the sludge found in naval fuel tanks in Halifax, for example, included fungal material (Hormoconois resinae formerly known as Cladosporium resinae), "white fungi", penicillium ssp., bacteria, sporulating fungal bodies, Candida, yellow fungi, small marine invertebrates, algae and diatoms.

Particularly in companies following good manufacturing practices, it is standard practice to monitor microbial load in order to determine the status of industrial fluids and the efficacy of biocides and bacteriostatic components. Although alternative methods exist e.g. plate counts, direct microscopic counts, ATP measurement, and enzyme activity (catalase); the method of choice is the dipslide method. Solar-Cult industrial dipslides were developed to provide an inexpensive, fast, simple method for detecting microbial contamination in these problem liquids. To meet the


  • Number of Test Kits: 10
  • Media: Nutrient Agar w/TTC /MALT EXTRACT AGAR


  • Specific dipslide are coated with agar based media which have been developed for optimal bacterial and/or fungal growth
  • Dipslides are provided in kits that are complete and ready to use. No special equipment or training is necessary.
  • Dipslides can often be used to effectively measure microorganisms in specimens not miscible with water. Separation into oily and aqueous layers and even extraction of medium components can occur with aqueous presence/absence broths making interpretation difficult.
  • Only a few microliters of the specimen are taken up by the dipslide. Antibacterial agents and biocides, present in industrial fluids and on surfaces, are diluted in the gel allowing growth of the bacteria with less interference. Presence/absence broth commonly requires vials of additives such as sodium thiosulfate to neutralize halogen disinfectants such as chlorine, bromine and iodine.
  • Test systems are available for simultaneous counting of both bacteria and fungi.
  • The dipslide handle facilitates sampling and reduces the opportunity for contamination.
  • The plastic vial serves as a lightweight, convenient incubator and transport container.
  • The same area of culture medium is exposed each time to liquid specimens or solid surfaces ensuring highly consistent results.
  • The transparent container allows colonies to be viewed and counted safely.
  • Simple color changes enable colonies to be recognized and counted with ease in selective media.